06 April 2014

IT'S THAT TIME OF THE MONTH - Balancing the books

It's the start of a new month and I have to balance our books and present a bank statement, reconciliation, profit and loss, income and expenditure details reports to our regular committee meeting.

Thanks to our previous Treasurer Hazel and her detailed written instructions, and to my great off-sider Aileen who balances and banks our receipts every Wednesday, it is now a task that is easy, provided I take care to enter income and cheque data into our computerised financial app.  Thanks Aileen - you are a great help and save me heaps of time...........

It's great when I get this window congratulating me on balancing the account! 

But, when it doesn't balance, it's a lot of hard work checking all the data inputs, and sometimes receipts, cheques.

Thankfully, my data inputs are accurate, and a non reconciliation hasn't happened for many months.

After preparing all reports, I email a pdf of each report to members of our Management Committee for their examination prior to the meeting.
As you can see, the Management Committee members closely examine my reports! And that is good for our club.

I have just reconciled the March 2014 accounts and emailed pdf copies to each committee member. Next step is to present the accounts to next Tuesday's Management Committee meeting and answer any questions about the accounts. I am always glad to hear questions, as it shows the committee members are closely examining my reports.

Each month I present a summary of the previous months income and expenditure, and reconciliation of our bank and computerised register details, to our members.

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