The Friday morning meeting was the Film Making SIG, with John Moxon playing his almost completed film "Sounds of St Johns Parramatta' featuring St Johns bells, clock and organ.
John's film will shortly be available for viewing at a members' meeting.
John also played the 2008 photo story entitled "Glenda masters the pc". It was made at John's Photo Story course in 2008 and starred Glenda, who was at the meeting this morning. Glenda masters the pc will also be played at a future members meeting, you are sure to enjoy it.
Deborah near the end of the SIG asks "any questions?"
Then it was off for a bit of lunch before coming back for the afternoons Trainers meeting to plan the Term 4 Timetable of courses and SIGs, monthly members and committee meetings.
Training Co-ordinator Michael had his hands full to ensure that the Timetable met all parameters, including fitting all the proposed courses into the term schedule.
Each Trainer will be contacting people on the Waiting List this week, and then bookings will be open for all members from Friday at the Members meeting.
Deborah has since emailed all members with the finalised Course Timetable for Term 4 attached.
So check your email and have a look to see if you would like to do any of the Courses. If so, check for availability at this Fridays Member meeting.
Another full day at Parramatta Computer Pals...................
Thanks for keeping us members up to date with all that is happening at Parramatta Computer Pals John. Great photos!