20 September 2013


Another large mob of members were present at our regular monthly meeting held today to laugh with  our guest speaker Joe Moreno of Smarter Digital Photography.

Joe gave a very entertaining and informative presentation of the latest developments in digital photography. Joe was glad to hear that our Club members use Picasa to crop and improve our digital photos.

Joe spoke about the various ways to transfer pics from your camera to a computer or tablet by cables and cards, and then told us that wi-fi is fast becoming the way to transfer your photos, by way of a Eye-Fi SD 8gb card that is now available with built in wi-fi and makes connecting a camera to your computer/tablet so exciting.

A small www.lytro.com/  digital camera that does amazing things in-camera-
like playing around with focus, water painting, have a coloured
subject on a black and white photograph-was demonstrated
by Joe.                                                     
 He played a video that demonstrated new NFC (Near Field Connection) that is used by Sony to separate the lens and body of  their latest digital camera.

Joe brought the members again to laughter when he demonstrated the "Shoe Zoom" technique.....just.walk towards the subject!

Joe was so good, we are going to recommend he speak at next years ASCCA Conference!

The "Mug of the Month was presented to our Club's Foundation Treasurer Jan Gathercole, who is moving to Bowral.

Enjoy youe rural life, Jan!

Secretary Margaret gave members a tour of our club's new website, that is located at


Go to the website and explore it

PS. If you would like to receive  a notice about my new post on this blog, just put your email address in the box at the top of this post--"Follow by email"....its much easier.....

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